A Christian After School Program has been part of the Vision of Journey Church for over 3 years. After researching the need for a high quality, structured, after school program in the Guntown area we are very confident that we will reach our enrollment goal of 60 students within two to three months of opening.
We took a very practical approach in our research efforts. Specifically, from talking with schoolteachers and administrators in the area we found there is a shortage of after school programs from Baldwyn to Saltillo. We plan to prominently locate the Journey Church facility on Highway 45 in Guntown, just north of the new water tank, providing easy access for students from Baldwyn, Guntown and Saltillo. Also in speaking with the owners of Kids World Daycare and Afterschool Program, (from whom we have rented facilities for our Sunday and Wednesday church services for over 5 years), we discovered that they have all the after school children they can take (70 children) as well as a long waiting list for their Saltillo location. Another after school program further south in Saltillo has a year and a half waiting period for after school children.
Over the past two years we have had many parents with young children tell us to be sure and let them know when we begin our after school program because they want to enroll their children in a Christian after school program.
Even though the purpose of the Journey Church “After School Program” is ministry and not profit, the projected budget demonstrates that the income from the after school program will provide more than the monthly mortgage payment to service the loan we seek to obtain in order to purchase three acres of property and build a 9,600 square foot multi-purpose facility for Journey Church and our various ministries.